The Marble League 2022 Friendly Round took place on 26 October 2022. It was a competition between the hosts of Marble League 2022 and the top three teams from Marble League 2021. Mellow Yellow, the Raspberry Racers and Gliding Glaciers already pre-qualified for Marble League 2022 as they came first, second and third respectively and the Green Ducks pre-qualified by host announcement.
The first event of the Marble League 2022 Friendly Round was held on the 26th October 2022, featuring the first event, Climbing.
In Climbing, the athlete pairs compete to roll as far as possible after colliding. The first marble (striker) of the teams accelerates from the starting ramp and sends an impulse into the second marble (skipper) to launch them as far up the slope they can. The team whose skipper travels the furthest up the ramp wins. Distance is calculated by taking the measurement at the center of the skipper at the apex of its movement. The best of two runs is selected as their result. Ties are broken by secondary distance.
The second event of the Marble League 2022 Friendly Round was held on the 26th October 2022, featuring the second event, the 5 Meter Hurdles.
The inaugural appearance of the Hurdles event in the Marble League Friendly Round utilized the rendition from 2021, which sees marbles sprinting down a 5 meter track, on which rest 7 small hurdles they must jump over. Ramps are placed in front of the hurdles to assist them in doing so. The hurdles are not fixed to the ground, and they are freestanding. The fastest marble across the line wins.
The third event of the Marble League 2022 Friendly Round was held on the 26th October 2022, featuring the third event, Balancing.
In Balancing, teams of 4 marbles must roll down a track with no walls on it, referred to as a balance beam. The single-row starting gate was replaced with a gate where the 4 marbles are in a row perpendicular to the beam, rather than parallel. To guide the marbles onto the beam, there is a triangle piece with a divider in the center.
If a marble falls off the track, its distance from the start (in centimeters) will be tallied and counted towards the team's final score. Any marble who reaches the green zone at the end of the track earns the maximum individual score of 130, which is also added toward the team's final score. A marble must land in the green zone to score 130; any marble that reaches the end of the beam but does not land in the green zone will only score 120. The team with the highest collective score wins. Ties are broken by furthest individual distances.
The fourth and final event of the Marble League 2022 Friendly Round was held on the 26th October 2022, featuring the fourth event, Triathlon.
In the Triathlon, 4 teams race down a course created with three sections: a section on gray "racing track" (made of the same track used in Marbula One), a sand rally section and an underwater section. The fastest team wins the event.