Jelle'sMarbleRuns Wiki
Jelle'sMarbleRuns Wiki

The Jelle's Marble Association (JMA), sometimes also referred to as the New Committee, is the current official advisory board to Jelle's Marble Runs that was formed in May 2021 after the JMRC unanimously disbanded. Similar to the group that preceded it, the committee's objective is to advise the JMR Team on how to improve the Marble League, Marble Rally, and Marbula One. Their duties include event checking, ideas, graphics, and more, performed on a volunteer basis.


There are currently 14 members including members of the JMR Team[1]:

Jelle Bakker
Dion Bakker
Minos Fylaktos
Piet Bakker
Kars van Weerde
Jim Steenvoorden
Tim Ritz
Dylan Danko
George House
John Y/Underwood Francis
Kevin Troxell
Schwarz Huang
Trevor Sayre
Yuki Momo

Former Members

Archie Aesalon
Dan Briggs
Dante Falabella
David Peterson
Jerry Cuberton
Jon Katz
Kenny Miner[2]
Nykke Naari
Terry Hankamer


  1. @jellesmarbles (2nd October 2023). “Here is the list of the people who help Jelle's Marble Runs become a reality in 2023 the Jelle's Marble Association!”
  2. @FireMarble (18th November 2023). “Hello, y’all. I know this is a lot of text, but I felt like I needed to say this and I wanted to make this clear. I humbly ask you to give this a read.”